
The Chaire Fintech AMF – Finance Montréal is a multidisciplinary and inter-university research unit that aims to develop advanced fundamental knowledge and practices on technological innovations challenges and impacts in the fintech ecosystem.

In order to fulfill its mission, the Chaire Fintech and its partners will proceed with calls for research projects to the entire Quebec scientific community interested in Fintechs.


  • To produce knowledge based on methodologies and analytical frameworks that will serve the Quebec fintech ecosystem stakeholders (organisations, employees, regulators or clients).
  • To contribute to the development of the AMF Fintech Group through its studies.
  • To contribute to the development of Finance Montréal activities and mission through its research studies or diffusion of knowledge.
  • To work towards the training of highly qualified staff and talents of the Quebec fintech ecosystem.
  • To inform and educate the public on fintechs main issues and challenges.

Executive committee

Richard Guay, Chairholder, Finance professor – ESG UQAM

Maher Kooli, Co-holder and scientific director of the Chair, Finance Professor – ESG UQAM

Marie Connolly, vice-dean for research – ESG UQAM

Gabriel Côté-Goyette, director, partnerships and innovation support service – UQAM

Sébastien Boisjoly, Vice president, Fintech and Technological innovation – Finance Montréal

Kim Lachapelle, Vice president strategy, risk and performance, Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)

Santiago Franco, Chief advisor, Fintech and Innovation – National Bank

Scientific committee

Richard Guay, Chairholder, Finance professor – ESG UQAM

Maher Kooli, Co-holder and scientific director of the Chair, Finance Professor – ESG UQAM

Sébastien Boisjoly, Vice president, Fintech and Technological innovation – Finance Montréal

Marie-Ève Lainez, Director, Digital transformation and innovation, Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)


To Philippe Grégoire’s fire

Philippe Grégoire, Finance Professor and director of the department of finance, insurance and real estate, FSA ULaval

Philippe Grégoire joined the Chaire Fintech in 2019. From 2019 to 2023, he was a member of the Chair’s executive and scientific committees.

His expertise in risk management and insurance and his energy will have been a source of inspiration for our entire community.


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